February 12, 2024 5 min read

Addressing your dog's penchant for chewing can be a common concern for pet owners seeking a harmonious living environment. Let’s take a close look at practical solutions to stop your dog from chewing on things. 

Whether you're dealing with a puppy exploring the world through their teeth or an older dog exhibiting destructive chewing habits, this guide is designed to offer easy-to-understand strategies for effective intervention. 

We'll also introduce BrilliantPad as a tool to complement these solutions, providing an additional stress-free option for pet owners. Let's dive in to understand and address this behavior, fostering a positive and chew-free environment.

What Causes Dog Chewing Behavior?

To effectively tackle your dog's chewing behavior, it's crucial to comprehend the natural instincts that drive this action. Regardless of age, dogs chew for various reasons deeply rooted in their evolutionary history. 

Puppies, in particular, explore the world through their mouths, using chewing as a means to soothe teething discomfort and learn about their surroundings.

For older dogs, chewing can be a response to boredom, anxiety, or a lack of mental stimulation. Understanding the underlying reasons for chewing is the first step in addressing the behavior appropriately.

Chewing serves multiple purposes for dogs. It strengthens jaw muscles, keeps teeth clean, and provides an outlet for excess energy. However, it becomes a concern for pet owners when directed toward inappropriate items, such as furniture or shoes.

Observing when and why your dog chews is crucial for tailoring interventions. Identifying triggers, whether it's teething discomfort, boredom, or anxiety, enables you to implement targeted strategies. 

In later sections, we'll explore practical training techniques and introduce BrilliantPad as a distraction-free solution, contributing to a chew-free home environment. 

How Can You Identify Triggers and Patterns in Your Dog’s Chewing Behavior?

Understanding your dog's chewing triggers and recognizing patterns in their behavior is instrumental in crafting effective solutions. Chewing can occur in response to specific stimuli or situations, and identifying these triggers is key to addressing the root cause of the behavior.

Teething Discomfort

For puppies, chewing is a natural response to teething discomfort. Recognize the age when teething typically occurs and provide appropriate teething toys to soothe their gums.

Boredom and Lack of Stimulation

Dogs, especially those left alone for extended periods, may resort to chewing out of boredom. Recognize patterns of increased chewing when your dog is alone and address the need for mental and physical stimulation through interactive toys or scheduled playtime.

Anxiety or Stress

Changes in the environment, such as moving to a new home or changes in routine, can trigger anxiety-related chewing. Observe patterns of increased chewing during stressful situations and focus on creating a calm and secure environment.

Attention-Seeking Behavior

Dogs may chew to gain attention, especially if negative attention is inadvertently reinforced. Identify patterns of increased chewing when seeking attention and respond with positive reinforcement for desirable behavior.

Lack of Proper Chew Outlets

Insufficient access to appropriate chew toys may lead dogs to explore household items. Ensure your dog has a variety of safe and engaging chew toys to redirect their chewing behavior.

By keenly observing your dog's actions, you can pinpoint specific triggers and patterns related to their chewing habits. This insight allows you to tailor your approach, addressing the underlying causes effectively. 

What Are Training Techniques To Stop Your Dog From Chewing?

Stopping your dog from chewing on things involves implementing practical and straightforward training techniques. Consistency and positive reinforcement are key components in redirecting this behavior effectively. 

Provide Appropriate Chew Toys

Ensure your dog has a variety of safe and durable chew toys. Introduce these toys early and encourage your dog to use them. When your dog chooses the appropriate toy, reinforce the behavior with praise and treats.

Use Bitter Sprays or Deterrents

Apply bitter-tasting sprays on items your dog tends to chew. These sprays are safe for pets but discourage chewing due to the unpleasant taste. Over time, your dog associates these items with an undesirable taste, reducing the urge to chew.

Supervise and Redirect

Keep a close eye on your dog, especially during times when chewing is more likely to occur. If you catch them in the act of chewing on an inappropriate item, calmly redirect their attention to an acceptable chew toy. Reinforce the positive behavior with praise.

Crate Training

Utilize crate training when you cannot directly supervise your dog. A crate provides a safe and secure space, reducing the likelihood of destructive chewing. Make the crate a positive environment with comfortable bedding and toys.

Exercise and Mental Stimulation

Ensure your dog receives sufficient physical exercise and mental stimulation. A tired dog is less likely to engage in destructive behaviors out of boredom. Incorporate regular walks, playtime, and interactive toys to keep your dog mentally and physically engaged.

Training Commands

Teach basic commands such as "leave it" or "drop it." These commands empower you to redirect your dog's attention away from inappropriate items. Consistent reinforcement of these commands strengthens the communication between you and your pet.

Establish Routine

Dogs thrive on routine. Establish a consistent daily schedule for feeding, walks, and playtime. Predictability provides a sense of security and helps reduce anxiety-related chewing.

BrilliantPad as a Distraction-Free Solution

Introduce BrilliantPad as a stress-free indoor solution for your dog's bathroom needs while they are mastering the basics of potty training. This innovative tool minimizes distractions, redirecting your dog's focus from inappropriate chewing. With its convenience and efficiency, BrilliantPad adds another layer to your training toolkit.

Consistency is paramount in implementing these techniques. Avoid punishment and focus on reinforcing positive behavior. Gradually, your dog will associate appropriate outlets for chewing, leading to a more harmonious living environment. 

By combining these practical training methods with the distraction-free benefits of a smart dog potty, you set the stage for a well-behaved and contented canine companion. 

How Can You Introduce Safe Chew Alternatives?

Offering safe and appropriate chew alternatives is a pivotal aspect of preventing destructive chewing behavior. Ensure your dog has access to a variety of chew toys made from durable materials. 

Opt for toys designed to promote dental health and satisfy their natural chewing instincts. When your dog chooses these alternatives, reinforce the positive behavior with praise and treats. 

Providing engaging and safe chew options not only redirects their focus but also contributes to a healthy and satisfying chewing experience. It’s important to be careful to observe your dog’s chewing habits to ensure they don’t ingest rubber or plastic toys that can cause obstructions.

Wrapping Up

Addressing your dog's chewing habits requires a combination of understanding their behavior, consistent training techniques, and the introduction of safe alternatives. By recognizing triggers, redirecting attention, and incorporating positive reinforcement, you pave the way for a chew-free environment. 

The integration of BrilliantPad serves as a valuable distraction-free solution, complementing your efforts. Embrace simplicity, patience, and the practical tips provided to foster a positive relationship with your furry companion. 

Implementing these strategies ensures a well-behaved pet and a good living space for you and your pup.


(PDF) Chewing behaviour in dogs – A survey-based exploratory study | ResearchGate

Changes in the Dentition of Small Dogs up to 4 Months of Age | NIH 

Long-Lasting Chews Elicit Positive Emotional States in Dogs during Short Periods of Social Isolation | NIH