October 26, 2022 3 min read

BrilliantPad is designed with owners and dogs in mind; to make your lives more convenient. We’ve reimagined the everyday pee pad so that it not only streamlines your life but protects the health and safety of your dog, your home and the environment. With convenience in mind, our design suits a wide range of lifestyles. BrilliantPad will be a part of everyday life for you and your pup, so it’s important that it fits into your home and your life.

1. BrilliantPad Saves Space

On average, customers report spreading out three pee pads at a time for their pup when leaving home. BrilliantPad gives you your space back by eliminating the need for laying down multiple pads. You have as many pads as you need in one convenient and compact machine. 

Measuring just 34 inches by 24 inches, with a total height of 6 inches, BrilliantPad is small enough to fit anywhere you have an outlet. Yes, anywhere. You can even take BrillaintPad with you on trips. Whether your vacation digs are an RV, hotel room or private rental, BrilliantPad gives your dog somewhere safe and familiar to go wherever you go!

2. BrilliantPad Saves Time

Whether you’re kicking back on vacation or back in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, BrilliantPad lets you relax by taking one more thing off your to-do list. As much as we love our dogs, cleaning up their mess isn’t our favorite part of the job. 

BrilliantPad does the dirty work for you by whisking away pet waste and storing it in a smell-free and mess-free roll. Gone is the daily chore of picking up poo. With our innovative roll system, you only need to change pads when the rolls run out; when you do, you’ll never have to worry about leaks or spills again!

3. BrilliantPad Protects Your Home

BrilliantPad works for all lifestyles and all homes. Traditional pee pads tend to leak and sit directly on your flooring, a recipe for disaster. BrilliantPad rolls are highly absorbent to prevent leaking. They sit on a raised 2-inch platform so that waste never comes in contact with your floors.

Whereas many wouldn’t dare use traditional pads on a carpet, this design allows BrilliantPad to be used on hardwood, carpet and everything in between. The roll advancement options eliminate the potential for your dog to track their waste all over your home by sealing waste away automatically or at the touch of a button. Removing the poop before it can stain or stink up your house! 

4. BrilliantPad Protects Your Pup

Protecting your home is well and good, but BrilliantPad also protects the most precious thing of all: your furry friend. Unlike traditional pee pads, when your pup goes on BrilliantPad you’ll know right away, even if you’re not home. This is because our design includes an integrated camera that allows you to monitor your pet’s health 24/7.

This technology lets you know if your dog is going any more or less than expected, and the best part? Instead of trying to describe to the vet what's happening, you can take a picture of any abnormal waste or bathroom patterns and show them to your vet directly. You can even take notes or insert comments on the app!

5. BrilliantPad Protects the Environment

Last but certainly not least, BrilliantPad reduces the amount of plastic waste you produce and helps protect the environment. Unlike traditional pads, which tend to saturate quickly and leak often, our pads can be used multiple times before requiring a change. Thanks to our advancement technology, it can be advanced as needed instead of changing a whole pad. Fewer pads used are fewer pads thrown away.

Furthermore, ourrolls are 80% thinner and use 33% less material than a regular pad, which contributes far less plastic to landfills. Our new Eco Rolls take sustainability further by eliminating more than 80% of the plastic in the original design. The new take-up rod is made of recycled paper while still stronger than the original for a better performance for you, your pup and the earth.

BrilliantPad is designed for pet owners, by pet owners who all want to provide the best life for their pets possible. We intend to improve the lives of pets and owners by delivering innovative products that work for all lifestyles. Find out howBrilliantPad can help you today.